January New-ness and tools for support

I hope the first month of this new year has treated you well and you’ve had time to create space to welcome in the newness. However way you find that, I want to remind you how strong and capable you are to achieve whatever it is that most lights you up. Your passion is the most beautiful quality about you- and its contagious, so here’s your reminder to follow your curiosity.

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‘Tis the season for cozy sweaters and glowing skin!

‘Tis the season for cozy sweaters and glowing skin!

As the seasons continue to shift and we land into Fall, it brings an opportunity for growth. It’s through this transition that I find myself also shifting, growing. Landing in a place of vulnerability this season to cultivate change. I am finding those moments to pause in self inquiry and gratitude. For the past two years I have worked endlessly growing what I believed would be a little side biz alongside my nursing career and over the past few years my small side biz has grown. And so, I find myself in the wake of my own feelings, thinking how I can continue to be of service. Here are some things that I am focusing on this month…

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Happy September. Let's Keep it Cozy + Calm.

Happy September. Let's Keep it Cozy + Calm.

A new season brings a fresh perspective and opportunity to expand. The summer was an interesting one to say the least and perhaps one of my favourite summers to date as we spent so much time outside as a family - beach days, river rafting, biking and hiking. What a gift it is to find the simplicity in nature combined with the ability to move your body. Movement is medicine and “play time” was a very welcomed aspect to our everyday... and now FALL... What is the feeling tone of this season for you?

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You, Your Skin & Summer

You, Your Skin & Summer

Hello Beautiful,

I hope your summer has been treating you well and you have had the chance to soak up the sun this year.

In a world that feels upside down, I find myself navigating new waters. This summer has been a beautiful opportunity for growth and reconnection into what matters. For me, this summer has been spent with my family out at the cabin and travelling back into town for clients and I wouldn’t have it any other way. That is why I want to thank YOU for being here. I am truly GRATEFUL X1000.

Let’s chat summer skin…

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